After 7 years of trying to get healed, Mike received his healing. Find out how.
What will happen in the future? Is it time to pray?
Tucker Carlson "Chistrians (those who know the Bible) are the only ones who really know what is going on"
Mainstream media covering ETS
Ex-yoga master explains the dangers of yoga
They never tested to see if the vaccine would stop transmission. They lied to you!
Your battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers of the unseen world.
How does divine healing work? Listen to Mike's testimony, it is powerful.
Dr. Mccullough has established a protocal for those who are suffering from issues related to the vaccine. He is one of the world leading cardiologists.
In less than 4 minutes Dr Kerry Mulisk
Dr. Mccullough speaks to the issues related to the vaccine and what to do about it.
Technology has made this possible. Learn more....
Can weather be manipulated? Why does it matter? Can it be used for war?
Sports and entertainment used as a way to impact social interactions and divert attention away from the tihing that matter.
What is the new world order? What does it look like?
What is the truth about climate change?
What is happening at Cern and how does it impact spiritual reality?